Secure your trademark with Trademark-Registrar starting at just $45! Protect your brand name effortlessly with guidance from leading trademark attorneys through a quick, 1-minute signup process. Our industry-leading Trademark Filing Service ensures swift USPTO serial number registration, making us one of the fastest registration.
Easily register your logo, business name, or symbol.
Backed by 77+ prestigious awards, we guarantee a 100% success rate.
Submit your trademark application online and obtain your USPTO serial number in 24 hours.
Trademark-Registrar goes beyond simple registrations—we focus on strengthening your brand. Our Trademark Services deliver a seamless process for both businesses and individuals. Whether securing your logo, protecting your brand name, or filing your trademark, we provide a smooth and stress-free solution.
Call For Help
Register with Trademark-Registrar by sharing your contact information, business name, and personal details for a seamless start.
Please choose from our three customized Trademark Registration Packages designed to meet your specific requirements and provide the best solution.
Submit the accurate information about the mark you wish to trademark, including your industry and the products for registration.
After reviewing your details, our experts complete the trademark filing, finalize USPTO classes, and submit your application for registration.
Secure Your Trademark With Top Attorneys Starting At Just $45!
Start My Trademark RegistrationI just need the essentials for filing
+ USPTO filing fees
Submit your federal trademark application.
Search the federal trademark database for your selected mark.
Receive your trademark registration certificate electronically.
I wish to register and protect my trademark
+ USPTO filing fees
Trademark enforcement with a Cease & Desist letter ($35 value)
Custom Trademark Transfer ($35 value)
Lifetime assistance via phone, chat, and email
I need an expert to evaluate my application
+ USPTO filing fees
Pre-filing consultation with a trademark attorney
Thorough trademark search
Trademark monitoring with infringement notifications (free trial*)
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Read MoreOur professional trademark Attorneys assist you navigate the trademark registration procedure, we are available to help you to protect your brands.
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Read MoreOur Amazon Counterfeit attorneys expert in removing counterfeit listings, filling takedown requests, and protecting your intellectual property rights on the platform.
Read MoreTrust Score 4.8 (Based On 2,121 Reviews)
Register Your TrademarkI've used Trademark-Registrar several times for registering my brands' trademarks. The service and communication are outstanding. They respond promptly and handle the entire process from start to finish, all at an excellent price.
I contacted them for a free consultation and was impressed by their honest and sincere advice regarding my trademark concerns. They are knowledgeable, polite, and highly professional. I will definitely choose Trademark-Registrar again in the future. Thanks once more!
Trademark-Registrar employs skilled professionals, and I highly recommend their services. They are quick, dependable, and simplify everything with their expertise.